Registered Dietitians can teach you and your family to make wise eating choices that promote good health at any stage of life.

You can talk to the Registered Dietitian about a variety of topics including:

  • What to eat to lower your risk of or manage conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, fatty liver
  • Managing food allergies or intolerances
  • Gastrointestinal conditions such as Chron’s, Colitis, Celiac Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diverticular disease
  • Planning a healthy vegetarian or vegan diet
  • Strategies for meal planning with busy schedules and on a budget
  • Tips for picky eating
  • Introducing solid foods to your baby
  • And more!

The Registered Dietitian also provides group sessions either alone or together with other team members or health professionals. Please refer to our events and calendar page for more information and dates the groups are offered.

Program Requirements

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To register, speak with your health provider for more information on whether this program is right for you.

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